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[E] XxBBoyFreshxX
[E] XxBBoyFreshxX
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over 12 years ago
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Username: Darkblade2912 When you were banned : (Date.) In 2012, Specific date unknown to myself Person who banned you: Not sure. Reason you were banned: 100% sure its advertising. Server: (Wildlands, PVP, Main, Tekkit, Creative) All Minetown Servers it seems. I dont play minecraft very often, almost never. But minetown was one of my favorite servers. Well i decided to log in today and i got in! That part was fantastic, but when i tried to go on to the PVP server i got kicked and i was banned for advertising. that, sucked. So i yelled around my house for a little bit and found out my older brother had hijacked my account (because my parents didnt want to buy 2 "Lego" accounts but now has his own) and did a bunch of dumb stuff. Im fully aware of minetowns rules where your account is your responsibly and in this case it was a dual account. But i have changed my password and i assure you its very secure, and this will never happen again. i REALLY like this server and i would like to come back. if there is any chance i could even be considered to come back that would be fantastic, even if its just PVP, but if i was a random advertiser i wouldnt make any effort to make a ban appeal, im sorry for everything and hopefully looked into. Thank you so much, Happy 2013.
over 12 years ago